OLnet: Open Learning network
A network to address ways to research and share information about Open Educational Resources
Starting from early 2009 The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation is supporting The Open University to work with Carnegie MellonUniversity to develop OLnet.
The aim of OLnet is to tackle gathering evidence and methods about how we can research and understand ways to learn in a more open world, particularly linked to Open Educational Resources (OER) but also looking at other influences. We want to gather evidence together but also spot the ideas that people see emerging from the opportunities.
Olnet will set up an infrastructure, support sub projects, support capacity building through fellowships, research the methods needed to help understand OER, research the designs that work and evaluate how OER can used and reused.
We see links with existing work at The Open University (OpenLearn, Cloudworks, Compendium, Cohere, FM Flashmeetings) and with Carnegie Mellon University's Open Learning Initiative and work there to support those who want to reuse open resources and learn from the experience.
Early issues include which platform or platform to use - and how to relate OLnet and Cloudworks to help each activity.
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Comment 1 by Stian Haklev
Comment 2 by Gráinne Conole
Gráinne Conole
9:43pm 25 February 2009 Permalink
Fantastic Stian
looking forward to meeting you and talking with you about this. We are very excited about it too.
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Stian Haklev
12:21am 24 February 2009 Permalink
I've been extremely excited by this project all the way since I read the early OPLRN draft last summer, and I am looking forward to hearing more about the project, and how I can get involved, at Monterey next week!