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Accessibility and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): the current state and next steps

Cloud created by:

Rebecca Ferguson
17 May 2016

Francisco Iniesto

Providing accessible Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have the potential to offer flexibility of learning and benefits to all independent of their disability. In my research project I will investigate the perceptions and accessibility-related processes of various stakeholders of MOOC platforms such as designers, content providers and accessibility experts. I will also investigate the experiences, constraints and requirements of users with and without disabilities who are already using MOOCs. I will carry out accessibility evaluations of MOOC platforms for their usability and accessibility. These are some of the questions my research is proposing to address: how MOOCs can help people with disabilities to improve their knowledge and skills?; how could the accessibility in MOOCs be improved?; and how could MOOCs resources be adapted to meet the accessibility needs of the end-users?

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