CALRG Conference 2016
6 June 2016 - 8 June 2016
Meeting Room 1 of the Jennie Lee Building at The Open University
Annual conference held at The Open University, Milton Keynes
Cloudscape created by:
Rebecca Ferguson
17 May 2016
The 37th annual Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG) Conference takes place 6-8 June 2016 in Meeting Room 1 of the Jennie Lee Building at The Open University. The Tuesday (7 June) will focus on the work of the FutureLearn Academic Network (FLAN). There are a variety of topics on the conference agenda which will be of relevance to researchers interested in computer and technology use in education.
Monday 6 June
10am-10.30am |
Welcome from Professor Eileen Scanlon |
10.30-11.15am |
Research diversity: lightning presentations
11.15-12.15 |
Thinking big
12.15-13.15 |
Lunch and poster presentations (see list below) |
13.15-14.00 |
Research diversity: short presentations
14.00-14.30 |
Coffee |
14.30-15.55 |
Learner perspectives
15.55-16.00 |
Closing remarks |
Tuesday 7 June: FutureLearn Academic Network focus on MOOCs
09.30-10.00 |
Coffee available |
10.00-10.15 |
Opening remarks Professor Eileen Scanlon |
10.15-11.15 |
Keynote Professor Allison Littlejohn, The Open University Professional and digital learning: leveraging learning at work |
11.15-12.00 |
FLAN presentations: learning and teaching in MOOCs
12.00-12.45 |
Lunch |
12.45-14.15 |
FLAN presentations: focus on individual MOOcs
14.15-14.45 |
Coffee |
14.45-15.00 |
FutureLearn update
15.00-15.30 |
FLAN presentations: widening participation
15.30-16.00 |
Discussant Professor Sir Timothy O’Shea, University of Edinburgh |
Wednesday 8 June
10.00-10.30 |
Lightning presentations
10.30-12.00 |
Language learning
12.00-13.00 |
Lunch |
13.00-14.30 |
Online learning and assessment
14.30-14.35 |
Closing remarks |
14.30 onwards |
Coffee and discussion |
- Andrew Brasher, Peter Devine, Sue Lowe, Gill Macmillan and Lisette ToetenelActivity-level learning design representations to enhance curriculum design (not 6 June)
- Clare Kemp Why engage young people with contemporary science?
- Denise Whitelock, Simon Cross, Aida Azadegan and Bart Rienties An adaptive trust-based e-assessment System for Learning (TeSLA)
- Eleni Anna Skoulikari, Danaë Stanton Fraser and Richard Joiner Exploring the use of technologies in educational assessment in primary schools
- Francisco Iniesto Accessibility and massive open online courses (MOOCs) the current state and next steps
- Garron Hillaire Learning analytics of emotion for self-regulated learning
- George Alain Designing technology to provide education to children In conflict areas and refugee camps
- Helen Crump An investigation into the phenomenon and discourse of work out loud
- Katy JordanVisualising the academic genealogy of the Institute of Educational Technology
CALRG 2016 conference committee
Rebecca Ferguson, Tim Coughlan, Eileen Scanlon, Elizabeth FitzGerald, Jenna Mittelmeier, Janesh Sanzgiri and Tina Papathoma
Clouds in this Cloudscape
- Gender and group attitudes to STEM: a pilot evaluation of an outreach robotics activity (1 comment)
- Introducing 'opinionated pedagogy'
- User evaluation of language learning mobile applications: a case study with learners of Spanish
- A report on Chinese undergraduate students' online English language learning experiences and perspectives
- Accessibility and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): the current state and next steps
- Activity level Learning Design representations to enhance curriculum design
- An Adaptive trust-based e-assessment System for Learning TeSLA
- An investigation into the phenomenon and discourse of Work Out Loud
- Assessing online collaborative work
- Assessing with confidence
- Assessment through non-text artefacts
- CALRG Annual Conference 2016 - Call for Papers
- Classical Narratives and Popular Forms: Constructing the Past through Television Drama and Digital Games
- Designing Technology To Provide Education To Children In Conflict Areas And Refugee Camps
- Evaluating comments in MOOC discussion forums
- Exam revision, the student experience and ‘revision analytics’: understanding and designing for the student experience prior to examinations
- Exploring the use of technologies in educational assessment in Primary Schools
- Good weather or bad weather? A story of fractions
- Keynote: Professional and Digital Learning: Leveraging learning at work
- Learning Analytics of Emotion for self-regulated learning
- Leveraging Learning gains: A multi-level longitudinal analysis of 30,000 online learners
- Literature and Mental Health: the MOOC as Research Tool
- Location-triggered language learning in a smart city using mobile technologies: a field study (1 comment)
- MOOCs for Development? Who are the Indian Learners that take Massive Open Online Courses
- Multimedia production in teaching and learning: opportunities and challenges
- Online Learning: An exploration of the last 20 inches
- Pedagogy supplants technology to bridge the digital divide
- Self-directed informal learning by experienced online learners enrolled in FutureLearn MOOCs
- Smart Cities MOOC (1 comment)
- Social networking sites for language learning: Integrating project-based learning on Facebook in the Indonesian context
- Student reflections on cross-cultural group work: Social, teaching and cognitive factors that influence collaboration
- Teaching online with and alongside iQualify
- The medium is the message… Learning to Code for Data Analysis
- The Open Research Agenda
- The socio-technical construction of MOOCs and their relationship to educator and learning designer roles and practices in HE
- Twitter for language learning: the learners’ view (2 comments)
- Using technology-enabled learning networks to achieve practical improvement outcomes
- Visualising the academic genealogy of the Institute of Educational Technology
- Why Engage young People with Contemporary Science?
- ""
on the cloud Twitter for language learning: the learners’ view by Alex Villon on 26 September 2017 - "Very interesting application - potential usage with the aiding of refugees attempting to access...
added to Location-triggered language learning in a smart city using mobile technologies: a field study by Katherine Anderton on 20 June 2016 - new embedded content added to the cloud The socio-technical construction of MOOCs and their relationship to educator and learning designer roles and practices in HE by Rebecca Ferguson on 13 June 2016
- Presentation slides on Slideshare
new embedded content added to the cloud Location-triggered language learning in a smart city using mobile technologies: a field study by Mark Gaved on 9 June 2016 - new embedded content added to the cloud Assessing with confidence by Jon Rosewell on 8 June 2016
- new embedded content added to the cloud Gender and group attitudes to STEM: a pilot evaluation of an outreach robotics activity by Jon Rosewell on 8 June 2016
- new embedded content added to the cloud Activity level Learning Design representations to enhance curriculum design by Andrew Brasher on 7 June 2016
- Evaluating comments in MOOC discussion forums
cloud added to the cloudscape CALRG Conference 2016 by Rebecca Ferguson on 7 June 2016 - new embedded content added to the cloud Evaluating comments in MOOC discussion forums by Rebecca Ferguson on 7 June 2016
- new embedded content added to the cloud MOOCs for Development? Who are the Indian Learners that take Massive Open Online Courses by Rebecca Ferguson on 7 June 2016